Yoga For Time Strapped Individuals


Rock ‘n’ Roll

I spend a great deal more time these days down at small child level sitting, crawling, hovering and crouching. Instead of resisting this low level living I’m trying to embrace gravity, creaking knees an all, and incorporate more floor into my personal practice. Not to mention the fact that i’m three times as tired as i was pre-child so getting down on the floor also seems more inviting from this perspective!

There is something simple, childlike and supremely satisfying about rolling around on the floor. As well as satisfying the childlike urge to play, ‘rolling and pouring’ as described by author Caryn McHose (How Life Moves: Explorations in Meaning and Body Awareness), can be a useful exercise in building body awareness. Exploring our edges, finding out where the floor begins and our body ends, can be one of the first steps towards letting go of deeply held tension.

Feeling first for the movement of the breath we can begin the process of tuning in, listening to the often inaudible rhythm of the body. In my experience following ones own internal cue, taking the mind out of movement, can be a profoundly peaceful and tension free experience.

Practice 15 mins (or as much time as you can spare)

  • Lying in constructive rest, on your back with knees bent and soles of the feet to the floor.
  • Feel the places where your body meets the floor. Relax, try to release the collective weight of your body to the floor, trust the floor to carry your weight.
  • Feel for the movement of the breath in the body, without judgement.
  • Relax the chest cavity, shoulders, heart space, lungs, stomach and lower abdominal area. Notice any holding surrounding the movement of the breath.
  • Feeling the soles of the feet on the floor and the weight of the legs, hips and pelvis,
  • Let the weight of the lower body and movement from the breath initiate gentle rolling through the sacrum.
  • Begin with small movements and then explore, taking the movement down through the legs into the extremities from one side to the other. Try to let the weight of your body initiate the movement, watching for any pain or discomfort giving you the sign to modify your movement or come to stillness.
  • Quieten the mind, let the body lead, explore the rocking and rolling movement into the upper body, back, shoulders, head and arms.


Yoga For Time Strapped Individuals

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